Account Reconciliation Training
Internal Audit is now offering Account Reconciliation Training. In this class, employees will learn how to perform monthly account reconciliations on revenue and expenditures (including payroll) in order to stay compliant with the Responsibilities of Signatory Officers Policy. Employees will also learn how to obtain and review activity on grant accounts in Tableau. This class is for signatory officers as well as other employees who have been delegated the responsibility for reconciling departmental accounts.
To register for the Account Reconciliation Training class, please visit the Training Workshops page in the myOleMiss portal.
The following can be downloaded prior to the class:
- The Account Reconciliation Training PowerPoint Presentation (PDF)
- The Account Reconciliation Procedures Handout (PDF)
- SAP Payroll Detail Reports
- SAP Budget and Line Items Reports
Please do not register for Account Reconciliation until you have attended these classes. The Payroll Detail Reports class and the Budget and Line Items Reports class will cover how to run the SAP reports you will need for reconciliation. Because this class will include information on using Tableau to obtain this information instead of using SAP, it is also recommended that you review the BCS Reports Help and FAQs as well as the GM Reports Help and FAQs which can be found by visiting the Analytics section of myOleMiss and clicking on the Help and FAQs tab. You may also schedule a Tableau training session with the Office of Accounting.
Information Security Controls Training
Internal Audit is now offering Information Security Controls Training. In this class, employees will learn about basic information security controls for physical and electronic information required by the Information Confidentiality/Security Policy, the Information Security Awareness Training Policy, the Anti-Virus Protection for UM Computers Policy, and the IT Appropriate Use Policy. Information security controls covered include: security of information, email safety, passwords, mobile device protection, acceptable use of cloud storage, access management, anti-virus, operating system security updates, session/screensaver lock protection, firewall protection, UM System Registry, departmental backup procedures, and security awareness training. This class is designed for all employees.
To register for the Information Security Controls Training class, please visit the Training Workshops page in the myOleMiss portal.
The following can be downloaded prior to the class:
Lead Your Team
A section on the Code of Ethics and Conduct is presented by Internal Audit during the Lead Your Team training sessions. Lead Your Team is a program designed to develop the skills necessary to appropriately supervise at the University of Mississippi. This is a core course required within four months of assuming a supervisory or management position.
Sign up on the HR website!